BARRY Smith, of the Dallas Fire Department, was a true advocate for the Texas
Firefighter Summer Games. He attended every Texas Firefighter Olympics, later
renamed Texas Firefighter Games, from its’ inception in 1983 until his death in
2014. Over the years, he participated in softball, golf, track and field, indoor
volleyball, sand volleyball, flag football, darts, archery and scotch doubles
bowling. He was Vice-President for the Olympic committee for many years under
the leadership of Presidents Bill Crow and D.D. Pierce. As well as being a
participant, Barry was the coordinator for flag football and coordinator for
volleyball, which he took over in 1992. He was responsible for introducing 2 on
2 sand volleyball to the Texas Games in 1993 in College Station, then in 1995
added 4 on 4 sand volleyball at the San Antonio games.
Barry Smith exemplified the true meaning of the Firefighter Games – to promote
camaraderie and sportsmanship among fellow firefighters and their families.
Barry – THANK YOU for your devotion, hard work and love you had not only for the
games themselves, but for all members of the brotherhood of fireman. You will be
greatly missed.
I would like to thank Barry’s wife, Carolyn, for her kind words and appreciation
to provide this memorial page for Barry.
Eric Harr
President, Texas Firefighter Summer Games – 2015