Thursday & Friday
July 24 and 25
A two-day 7 on 7 outdoor soccer tournament played on a small field using full size goals. The field size is approximately 65 yards by 50 yards (depending on available facilities).
There are different divisions for a team’s ability and conditioning. Each team will play five to seven games over the two days. Game length is two 20 minute halves.
There are a few rules specific to the Texas Firefighter Summer Games such as no “off-sides”.

Veterans Park – 3101 Harvey Road, College Station, 77845

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General Information
Information on: Game Format, Field Size, Rosters, Teams, Uniforms, Divisions, Medals, Schedule
A two day 7 v 7 outdoor soccer tournament played on a small field with large goals. “Pool Play” within each division with possible playoffs (depending on number of teams in a particular division). See Modified Soccer Rules (located on Tournament Info page) for more information.
Field Size:
The playing field will be 50 yards wide by 65 yards long.. The goals will be full size (8’ x 24’).
Soccer Dates:
July 25-26, 2019. First games beginning at 8:00 a.m. both mornings.
There is a team roster limit of 14 players. Team rosters must be filled out prior to the start of a team’s first game of the tournament. Teams may add players to their roster at any time during the tournament (even up to the last minute of the tournament) ONLY if that team has NOT used all 14 roster spots. Teams may not use more than 14 different players total during the tournament. A player’s name must be added to the team roster BEFORE that player can play in a game. If a player’s name appears on the roster, even if he doesn’t play or if he gets injured during the first game, that roster spot is taken. Players may play on only one team during the tournament. Team roster forms will be available at the soccer fields on game day or may be sent by e-mail, fax, or postal mail ahead of time.
Any city may form their own team or combine with one or more other cities to form a team EXCEPT for Austin, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Houston, and San Antonio. The five large cities (Austin, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Houston, and San Antonio) must form a team from within their own department. If your department has as few as one player that needs a team, I may be able to place you with another team if you can not find a department to combine with.
Each team member must have like colored jerseys with numbers. All players must wear shin guards and socks that completely cover the shin guards. No football or metal baseball spikes allowed.
Number of Games:
Each team will play five to seven games over the course of two days. Depending on the number of teams in a Division, a team will play no more than three to four games in one day.
Coaches’ Meeting:
There will be a MANDATORY coaches’ meeting at 7:30 a.m. on Monday, July 22nd, at the soccer fields.
There will be different divisions based on team ability and conditioning. Players with college playing experience to beginners will compete against players of like experience and conditioning.
Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be awarded to those who finish first, second, or third in each division. Medals MUST be ordered on June 1st. Teams may register after June 1st but the number of medals awarded will be determined by the number of teams registered (entry fees paid in full) by June 1st.
Game Schedule:
The game schedule will be available during the Opening Ceremonies at the Host Hotel beginning at 11:00 am on Sunday, July 21st, 2019. The Tournament will be held on Monday and Tuesday following opening ceremony.
***Regular FIFA rules apply unless noted otherwise below***
• No offsides.
• “Slide tackling” as a defensive play to try and dispossess the ball from an opponent (successful or not) is NOT ALLOWED. A direct free kick will be assessed for the infraction. Sliding to save a ball from going out of bounds or anywhere on the field is allowed as long as a player does NOT ENGAGE another player while doing so. However, an offensive player WITH the ball and in the act of taking a shot slides, even if it engages another player, as long as it is NOT done in a dangerous, out of control, or reckless manner will be allowed. The determination of dangerous engagement will be at the referees’ discretion. The Goalie/Keeper is The ONLY exception and is ALLOWED to slide at any time, including engaging another player as long as in the referee’s opinion, the Goalie/Keeper was doing so within the parameters of playing his position.
• The ball may be played in any direction (including back) on kickoffs.
• There are no goal kicks. Instead the goalie will be given the ball and will have six seconds (unlimited steps) to put the ball in play. The goalie may distribute the ball to another player (punt, throw, or roll) at his discretion. If the goalie decides to play the ball with his feet, he may NOT touch the ball again with his hands until the ball is played (touched) by an opposing player (or teammate if not played back with their feet).
• Either team may sub on any out of bounds (including corner kicks) only WITH the referee’s permission.
• Free kicks will be direct or indirect according to the offense.
• Unlimited substitutions unless the Referee feels a team is deliberately subbing in order to “run out the clock”.
• Red/Yellow cards will be enforced.
• A player receiving a yellow card will be subbed off before restart begins.
• A player receiving a red card while on the field of play will be ejected and his/her team will play short for the remainder of the game.
• A player receiving a red card (hard or soft) during a game will be ejected for the remainder of that game and the next game as well.
• Any player receiving two red cards during the tournament will be ejected from the tournament and complex.
• Any player receiving a red card for fighting, throwing a punch, or spitting at another player or referee will be ejected from the tournament and complex.
• ONLY the team captain may approach the referee.
• The soccer complex does NOT allow alcoholic beverages at the fields or in the complex.
• Any cursing, abusive, or foul language, whether directed at the referee, another player, bystanders, or at one’s own self is subject to receiving a red card.
Game Details
Get info on: Game duration, Field Players, Tie Breakers, Playoff Games
• Games will consist of two 20 minute (continuous clock) halves with a five minute halftime.
• Teams will play 7 versus 7 (this includes goal keeper). A team must have a minimum of six players to begin or continue play. Opposing teams have the option of playing with six (6) or seven (7) players if your team is playing with six (6) players due to injury or lack of substitutions. HOWEVER, if a team is down to six (6) players due to a red-card ejection, the opposing team will play with a man advantage (7 players).
• One five minute “sudden death” (or golden goal) period will be played if regulation ends in a tie. If the teams are still tied at the end of sudden death overtime, the game will be decided by a five player per team penalty kick session – after which, single penalty kicks by remaining team players until one team is a goal up.
• All playoff games that end in a tie will utilize 2- 10-minute periods of sudden death overtime until a goal is scored. If no goal is scored after two halves then penalty kicks will decide the game.