Horseshoes and Washers Tournaments are held on Wednesday. Horseshoes
singles begin at 9:00 AM, doubles to follow. Washer singles begin at
2:00 PM, doubles to follow.
You will be able to use your own regulation horseshoes and as in the
past the “Double Ringers” that we provide will still be available.
Washers will be provided, or you can bring you own, qualification
washers must be 2-1/2”O.D., 1” I.D. and I\8” thick. Washer edges MAY NOT
be tampered with (such as notches, cuts, tape, etc.).
Entry fee is $20 per person per event. Please return your entry forms by
June 1st. A $10.00 late fee will be charged if received after this date. Please bring lawn
chairs, picnic goodies, etc.
For more information, email
Double Washers entry form
Single Washers entry form
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Click for past years results: 2015 |